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Pedestrian Fatalities from Car Accidents Reach Record Levels in Central Florida

Florida is known for many things – among them, sunny weather, beautiful beaches, and a relaxed lifestyle – but one particular statistic we’re known for is not so pleasant. The Sunshine State could also be renamed the traffic fatality state, as it has the third highest pedestrian traffic fatality rate in America. A 2023 Altumint Florida Road Safety Report examining traffic fatalities across the state of Florida on both county and state levels has put the spotlight on the high level of car accident-induced pedestrian fatalities. It’s just the latest in a series of statistics highlighting just how dangerous it can be to stroll down a busy street in Florida, and how much we’re putting our children and elderly folk at risk.

Pedestrian Accident Fatalities On The Rise In Florida

Pedestrian safety in Florida is, to put it bluntly, terrible. According to a recent report by the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV), in 2023 alone, there were 10,290 pedestrian accidents in Florida which resulted in 8,132 injuries and 778 pedestrian fatalities. Florida state officials have technically set a goal of “zero motor vehicle fatalities,” but motor vehicle fatalities across the board have continued to climb. Florida drivers average over 3,100 motor vehicle deaths per year.

Last year unfortunately showed record amounts of pedestrian accident fatalities in Florida in the last decade, topped only by 2021, when the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported 819 pedestrian fatalities. Smart Growth America recently ranked Florida the second deadliest state (even higher than Altumint) in the nation for pedestrian fatalities, with Florida averaging 3.43 pedestrian deaths for every 100,000 people in the ten years. The only other state to top this dubious number is New Mexico.

Why Pedestrian Accidents Are So Bad In Florida

A number of factors contribute to such a high per capita pedestrian accident fatality rate. Some of the contributing factors that have been identified by Florida pedestrian safety advocates, Smart Growth Design, and state officials include:

  • Distracted drivers who are not keeping their full focus on the road. This is especially dangerous when drivers are texting or talking on their cell phones.
  • Poor road design requires pedestrians to navigate dangerous conditions, such as wider streets that force people to cross long distances while cars are zooming by.
  • Speeding drivers who don’t pay attention to speed limits risk pedestrian lives
  • A lack of enforcement of existing laws, including distracted driving regulations, speeding laws, and rules mandating drivers to stop for pedestrians who are crossing a crosswalk.

What Drivers Should Do To Prevent Pedestrian Accidents

Florida drivers need to do their part to protect pedestrians by staying vigilant and not putting our vulnerable populations at risk. Some steps drivers can take to avoid hitting pedestrians crossing the street or walking alongside a road include:

  • Slowing down when they see pedestrians, particularly if they’re in busy intersections, where the majority of pedestrian accidents happen.
  • Take the time to look carefully before turning at any point on a road- particularly at an intersection.
  • Never texting while driving (which is illegal in Florida) and putting their phone away when they’re behind the wheel

Contact Us Today

It only takes a second of distraction to alter the course of someone’s life. If you or somebody you love was the victim of a pedestrian auto accident in Florida, call BCN Law Firm to consult with an experienced pedestrian accident attorney today.