Business Professional Licenses
Licensing is the granting of permission to use intellectual property rights, such as trademarks, patents, or technology, under defined conditions.
When you start a business in Florida very often you can find yourself in a haze of regulations and laws. A failure to obtain the right licenses can delay your opening and possible cause you unnecessary expenses you should not have to pay. You need to comply with the local and state regulations and if you do not you can place yourself at risk for unwanted fines and penalties and possible harm your company’s operations.
Attorney Wade Boyette has practiced law for many years and as part of his service will provide a detailed representation as well as advice with respect to your business and licensing. A Business Professional license should and can be an easy and seamless process with the right guidance. One call to 855-LAW-2020 and you will receive a free consultation* today.
No matter if your company is a small company or large entity, family owned or specialized like a doctor, engineer or contractor you will need a Business Professional License. BCN Law Firm can offer the following services:
*BUSINESS LICENSE—With this license you can file an s corporation, C corporation, limited liability corporation file a trade name or partnerships.
*PROFESSIONAL LICENSE—This is a service for engineers, doctors, health care professionals, architects and nurses.
*BUILDING PERMITS—When you need to file building permits and occupancy certificate requirements can vary.
*LIQUOR LICENSES—Whether you need a class A, B, or C we can walk you through all the stringent requirements.
*CONTRACTOR LICENCES—This is if you are a residential contractor, home improvement contractor, electrical or mechanical contractor.
At BCN Law Firm we are dedicated to helping you in your Business Professional License requirements. Let us know how we can assist you and make this year your most prosperous ever. 855-LAW-2020